6-Session Workshop

1.5 hours a week for 6 weeks. Each time we circle up, we will focus on a different slice of your life.

We have a vision of you, of us, of everyone, heads thrown back, arms wide open, with a bright yellow light streaming from our hearts, outward to the world! A world where we all feel joy, give joy, share joy and receive joy!

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The power of ONE

It starts with you getting reacquainted with your amazingness in the GLOW ME workshop!

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It takes TWO to make a thing go right 

GLOW WE works on moving together in the same direction cause (sing it with me) it takes two to make it outta sight! 

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GLOW FAMILY puts the FUN back into dysfunctional!

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Make time FOUR friends

GLOW FRIENDS will wake you up to the value of finding your tribe!

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GLOW PASSION is passionate about exposing the things that give you a selfgasm!  

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SIX ways from Sunday

GLOW PURPOSE will rev up your engine and put you in the drivers seat of your life!