Light up the world

For every 10 Glow Collective workshops, we simply can’t wait to share one pro bono session with a group of teenage girls!   We want to create communities of GLOW GIRLS because right now:

74%…of girls say they are under pressure to please everyone (Girls Inc, The Supergirl Dilemma)

98%…of girls feel there is an immense pressure from external sources to look a certain way (National Report on Self Esteem)

1 in 4 girls today fall into a clinical diagnosis – depression, eating disorders, cutting, and other mental/emotional disorders  (The Triple Bind, Steven Hinshaw)

Sometimes deeper conversations need to be had…


TELL is dedicated to providing effective support and counseling services to Japan's international community and its increasing mental health needs.

Befrienders Worldwide

Befrienders provides emotional support to prevent suicide worldwide, listening to and helping people without judgement.