Luminous Lunch

 A one time, 2-hour lunch workshop to illuminate and create a beauty-full narrative.

Luminous Lunch workshops are the ultimate Power Lunch. 

Join us for a meal that nourishes mind, body and soul. Gather with a community of women to dig deep into a space that sparks your curiosity while you nom nom.

Price: $150

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Glow Body Bliss

Join us for a special Luminous Lunch to embrace your body! See the beauty, understand the challenges and recognize the boundless potential.

This special 2-hour workshop includes a bountiful Buddha Bowl lunch, while we spark positive vibes to get us to our most luminous self! For this workshop we are going to GLOW from the outside in!

Next Date TBD | 12:00 - 2:00pm

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Glow Mind Magic

Join us for a Luminous Lunch to ignite your mind! Identify and cultivate your interests, ignite your dormant passions, and engage your curiosity to stimulate yourself and engage others in meaningful interactions.

This 2-hour workshop includes a mind-blowing lunch while we workshop what it means to be interested and interesting all at the same time!  

For this workshop we are going to GLOW from a place of passion!

Next Date TBD | 12:00 - 2:00pm

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Glow Intimate Connections

Join us for a special Luminous Lunch to reignite your intimacy! In this workshop we will work to foster intimacy in our relationships through valuing touch, connection and finding meaningful ways to express and receive love.

This 2-hour workshop includes a yummy lunch while we workshop what it means to be intimate and the different ways to cultivate intimacy in the most important relationships in our life!  

For this workshop we are going to GLOW from a place of connection!

Next Date TBD | 12:00 - 2:00pm

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Glow Real Confidence

Join us for a Luminous Lunch to embrace the authentic you! In this workshop we will work to illuminate your real self and give shape to your identity. We will peel away the layers that block you from showing who you truly are in any situation, with anyone.  

This 2-hour workshop includes a delicious lunch while we workshop what it feels like to be our authentic selves and strip ourselves of imposter syndrome so we can feel free to beam who we truly are out into the world!  

For this workshop we are going to GLOW from a place of authenticity!

Next Date TBD | 12:00 - 2:00pm

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Glow Home

Join us for a Luminous Lunch to create a home away from home for you and your family! In this workshop we will work to create a home that is aligned with our values in order to have a haven that brings joy to our families, enriches our experiences, incorporates culture and creates a sanctuary for family and visitors.  

This 2-hour workshop includes a cozy lunch while we workshop how to create a home in a place that is foreign to us, and to create a sense of stability for ourselves and families in a period of transition.

For this workshop we are going to GLOW from a place of bounty!

Next Date TBD | 12:00 - 2:00pm

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