Join the Glow Collective

Make the time to set yourself aglow.

Join the movement to spread your light and drop glitter bombs here, there and everywhere.


Why Join Us

Connect effect

Create a kindred connection to yourself

Build genuine personal connections with others riding the same wave of growth

Joy rage with a tribe of GLOW warriors

Grow the GLOW

Turn up the volume on your life, one notch at a time

Guided worksheets help shine a light into those dark corners

Work, share, dare at your own pace

Write the light

Tried and tested proprietary worksheets help guide the GLOW

Put pen or bright color markers to paper to write it down

Unfold the map, today or tomorrow, and it will point you to your GLOW destination

What our Collective is Saying…

“In my Glow Collective sessions, the work I did helped me get to the heart of me - what I want to change, improve or stop doing. And I did this alongside women I hadn’t known but now consider trusted confidents. This is a collective worth joining for sure.”

“It was an amazing experience. Our group bonded beautifully and Ruchika + Melissa are so incredibly insightful as we worked through the sessions.”

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Say hello to your glow.